What does intimacy mean to you and your partner?
Partners will have their own version of what Intimacy means. Understanding each other’s desire around is so important to help maintain a closeness.
What is intimacy?
Many people refer to being ‘intimate’ as being physically sexual. Although this can be intertwined , intimacy is something that goes beyond sexual connection. Intimacy within a relationship is deeply personal and a space where partners share closeness in many different ways. Whilst sexual connection can be one version intimacy, intimacy is not all about the physical act. There are are forms of intimacy within a relationship that include:
Emotional Intimacy: where there is a deep sense of emotional closeness, caring, compassion and trust between partners. Emotional Intimacy is the foundation that is developed on a daily basis through: being available for each other, sharing perspectives and daily responsibilities, showing respect and love between each other.
Comfort Intimacy: where partners touching each other brings about feelings of desire, closeness and safety. It can be hugs, caressing, holding hands, playful touching, sitting together in silence, going for walk etc- ultimately it’s spending together in a close way.
Sexual Intimacy: combines the physical act of sex with emotional closeness and physical touch. Primarily it is consensual without coercion. It can be spontaneous, planned out or romantically set for a date or whatever a couple fancy.
True intimacy involves a level of emotional connection and trust that brings partners closer together.
Couples their own version of Intimacy
Couples develop their own theme of how they express their love for one another. Some feel that sex binds the relationship, whilst others feel that emotional intimacy creates the relationship. They need to explore their own version of what suits their needs, as individuals and together as a couple. It’s feeling into their attraction towards their partner, that chemistry between them that allows them to feel seen, valued and loved. This closeness is entirely unique for each couple.
Sex is not a substitute for Emotional Intimacy
Some people may struggle with the emotional parts of themselves and seek out sex to meet their need to feel something, they may believe the only way to be close to their partner is with sex.
For some couples, sex can be a substitute for emotional intimacy and guards them against being close or vulnerable with their partner. This can create sexual problems within a relationship – often this a by-product of something happening on a deeper level that leads them to being emotional unavailable for their partner and disconnected.
Each partner has different comfort levels of emotional intimacy and sex
There are no absolute ways of how partners share their emotional intimacy and sexual pleasure, it’s purely their own personal experience. Emotional intimacy and sex will continually evolve between a couple and will most often change over time.
Need help to delve into re-building a better connection with your partner?
If you are seeking to deepen the way you connect with your partner, to have those meaningful connections and conversations, reach out to work with Linda Kelly, Relationship Coach www.lindakelly.com.au
About Linda Kelly, Relationship Coach and Counsellor
Linda is a Relationship Coach and Counsellor. Having worked with hundreds of couples over the years, Linda understands the complexities and challenges that couples experience today.
She specialises working with couples and individuals in areas of relationships.
Linda’s blend of coaching and counselling approach allows her to be more hands-on, supportive and directive, helping people to achieve results within themselves and in their relationship.
Linda provides ‘Couples Coaching’, ‘Women’s Coaching’ and ‘Men’s Coaching’.
Linda offers a ’12 week Couples Connection Program‘. This helps couples to rebuild their relationship, learn more about themselves and their partner, adapt new strategies towards closeness and live a life that is more aligned to their desires and needs. If you want to know more or to book in your spot, book your Connection Call click here.
Based within the gorgeous Redcliffe Peninsula region, Brisbane Australia, Linda offers in-person and online Zoom sessions, both Australia-wide and Internationally.