Stages of Anger Management Therapy

Awareness, Responses, Strategies, Changes, Prevention

Anger management online courses are a structured in a way that helps you to understand, control, and express your anger in healthier ways. Each stage of an anger management program is crucial to help you recognise your anger triggers, develop anger coping strategies and to sustain these changes long term.

Stage 1: Awareness and recognising causes of anger triggers.  This is about identifying your triggers, the impact anger has on you and your relationships and understanding the situations/environments which your anger arises in.  It’s also about recognizing the physical and emotional signs of potential anger.

Stage 2: Understanding responses.  Exploring the underlying causes of anger, such as stress, frustration, relationship break down, interpersonal conflicts, or deeper psychological issues, is key to making changes in how you respond. This allows you to prepare for situations that might bring up an anger response within you.

Stage 3: Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Restructuring and Strategies

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy is an evidence-based approach that helps with useful strategies to better manage anger in a healthier way, that has better outcomes.  You learn about your thoughts, feelings, behaviours and replace them with more rational balanced thoughts and feelings and better chose of words to use.  Ultimately this allows you to be in control of anger, rather than anger controlling you.

Stage 4: Maintain long term changes of anger management

Being consistent with strategies learned in better handling anger in real life situations take practice and patience.  Keeping a record of how you manage anger situations, and the frequency helps to keep you on track with your changes. When you regularly practice healthier responses to anger, you create new habits and behaviours over time.

Stage 5: Relapse Prevention

When you relapse back into old unhealthy patterns of anger, this is a relapse, it can happen and it’s important to take action on this, so it doesn’t repeat. A prevention plan involves self-monitoring, revising what you have learned and practicing it again and check-ins with your therapist – all these support areas will help you maintain your changes and stay on tray.

Anger Management Online Course affordable 

Online Anger Management Program

Cost:  $220 AUD

✔ Easy to understand content, not complicated


✔ Only 5 modules, takes approximately 2 hours (approx) to complete


✔ Relevant content based on real-life situations

✔ Learn useful techniques to better manage anger-related situations and remain calmer


✔ Downloadable PDF’s to keep and use as a constant guide to stay on track

Anger Management Online Course affordable and quick

'What is covered in the course'

Learn strategies to better handle anger situations. Gain confidence, let go of old unhelpful anger patterns that have caused problems and disconnection with others.  Adopt practical techniques to reduce anger, increase better ways of communicating and create positive outcomes.  This course takes approximately 2 hours to complete.

Anger Management Online Course affordable and quick Court Approved Certificate

Module 1: Anger explained

  • Explore what anger is, myths about anger.
  • Effects of anger: on the brain (stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol), on mental and physical health and on relationships.
  • Triggers of anger.
  • Cycle of aggression.

Module 2: Approach to manage anger

  • Cognitive Behaviour Therapy approach
  • Ways to a positive outcome
  • Thoughts and beliefs
  • Understanding feelings and behaviours around anger
  • Problem solving techniques to manage anger

Module 3: Technqiues to manage anger

  • Thought-stopping
  • Self-regulation
  • Think and Reframe
  • Effective and Assertive Communication
  • Non-Verbal and Verbal Cues
  • Effective Communication tips

Module 4: Strategy to create changes

  • Recognise, Refocus and Respond for healtheir anger response
  • Applyining strategy to example real-life scenarios
  • Practical anger response checklist

Module 5: Maintain changes

  • Recapt on previous modules
  • Prevention Plan for future anger-related situations
  • Recovery Plan for relapse of old unhealthy anger patterns
  • Monitor Plan to record progress


  • ‘Certificate of Completion’ is issued on request 

What clients have to say about the course